Campus Mailing

The Campus Center Mailroom is located in the lower level of the Degenstein Campus Center directly across the hall from the Bookstore. A fully functioning mail center, the Mailroom carries supplies and offers postage for all your mailing and shipping needs, including UPS, FedEx and USPS.

Hawk Number

Your Hawk Number is the number assigned to you instead of a campus mailbox. To find your Hawk Number, visit your profile in the myNest directory. Your campus mailing address for your entire enrollment at Susquehanna will be:

YourFirstName YourLastName
Susquehanna University
1858 Weber Way, {{YourHawkNumber}}
Selinsgrove, PA 17870

Share this address with friends and family, especially if you want care packages!

Mail Locker

Students may receive packages after Mailroom hours through the mail lockers. Students are sent an email with a numerical and QR code which allows them to open a specific locker to retrieve a package.

For additional information, email

Introducing Contact-Free Package Pickup at SU

In an effort to improve the ease of access to resources on campus, Susquehanna University has introduced a contact-free mail system so students can receive packages at their convenience.